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부산광역시 글로벌 도시재단

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( 법률/임금/고용/출입국/각종생활상담 )

월~금 오전 9:00 ~ 오후 6:00 바로가기
  • 홈
  • 참여마당
  • 교류공간


글자크기 글자 크게 글자 작게

Join Our International Christian Fellowship in Busan!

교류공간 게시판 읽기
작성일 2024-10-29 조회 154
Are you an international student or foreign resident in Busan seeking a Christian community to connect with? Our International Christian Fellowship is here to welcome you! In our group, you’ll find: Weekly Meetups: A space for fellowship, sharing, and encouragement in faith Korean Language Exchange: Practice Korean in a friendly setting Cultural Exchange Events: Share and learn from each other’s diverse backgrounds Local Life Tips: Discover advice and resources for navigating life in Busan! Whether you're here for studies, work, or new experiences, everyone who seeks a welcoming Christian community is invited to join us. ?? Next Meetup: Every Sunday ?? Location: Cafe within Pukyong National University campus ?? Join Us: Our Facebook Group Come, make friends, and grow together in faith. We look forward to meeting you! ??
[프리드리히 나우만재단] 2024 그린스마트시티 부산포럼 / 부산연구원, 부산정보산업진흥원 주최 국제포럼
[부산관광공사] 반려견 강아지와 함께 부산 사찰 프로그램 참여할 외국인을 찾습니다!